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Burro is an open source project with the goal of developing a cross-platform frontend to the mldonkey core. It is written in C# and GTK#. Current development has shown successful portability using Windows .NET runtime for win32 and Mono for linux.
get mldonkey
mono compatible
gtk-sharp powered
3d shot of frontend
news top
10/11/06 - It's been long since I've dedicated some time to this project. On a good note, I've successfully compiled and run burro on Mac OS X tiger. You can check out a screenshot here.

12/03/05 - I now have a very basic but usable version in cvs under the new module called burrorev. It has the basic functions (connect, query, download, cancel download, console messages, commands, server views, disconnect...) While I was at it, I decided to change the website a bit with this new and simple look.

10/30/05 - Finally have been getting a few things done. First of all, I am doing a major rewrite of certain parts. One often looks back and realizes some of the mistakes made. Normal. I guess... In any case, I am abstracting all comunication into a single library. That way, anyone can use burrolib to create a frontend with their favorite toolkit. This might also bring other people interested in contributing. Please be patient. Things will be back up soon.

02/01/05 - Planning on resuming this project very soon. Please don't try the CVS code. It's outdated and useless. Need to sync it up.

07/13/04 - Have not been able to resume development as I just moved to Spain from New York. Still haven't received my computer. Sorry for the delay.

04/29/04 - Had to take some time off the project to take care of other things. Searching capability is partially broken. In fact, I am in the middle of upgrading burro to use the latest mldonkey gui protocol (26) used in the CVS version of the core. Hence, CVS version of burro is currently quite unstable.

02/26/04 - Development on backend continues. Most receiving messages decoded. Frontend can monitor uploads, downloads, servers, and send console commands. Gui has progressed considerably. Outbound messages need work. New screenies provided.

02/04/04 - Heavy development on the communication libraries. GUI and connection backend merged. Very basic functionality. New screenshot provided.

01/26/04 - Burro webpage launched. Frontend under heavy design and development. Initial interface successfully run on linux and Windows. Current CVS version is unusable.
screenshots top

screenshot 01
screenshot 04
Here are some other shots: linux windows mac os x
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To checkout the source code from cvs, do the following (make sure you get module burrorev and NOT burro, this last one is outdated):
$ cvs login
$ cvs -z3 co -P burrorev
To compile do de standard:
$ cd burrorev
$ ./ --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
You can then proceed to make install or just run it locally with:
$ cd src
$ ./burro
contact top
Alvaro A. Ramirez
Burro - Design and Development, Web Design

Tatsuro Kiuchi
Original Donkey Image
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